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IOS FTP Client Code

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General Notes

BlackRaccoon is a collection of routines used to act as an FTP client. It was specifically designed to work correctly under ARC and to "fix" a leak in the listing of directories.

With BlackRaccoon you can:

A function to queue requests has been left in the code, but has not been tested. As this is not a normal FTP function, the user should assume it is deprecated and will be removed from future releases.

As with WhiteRaccoon, the user needs to assure that the CFNetwork framework has been added to the project.


License is the MIT License. Basically means you can use as you wish just keep the copyright notice in the source code.

Differences Between WhiteRaccoon and BlackRaccoon

BlackRaccoon works correctly with ARC. A lot of time and effort went in to assure there were no leaks.

BlackRaccoon, unlike WhiteRaccoon, breaks up files by objects. This is for this author's convenience. If you wish to combine them again, feel free.

BlackRaccoon has been tested with an unencrypted FTP server. However, it has NOT been tested with all manner of usernames and passwords.

Added helper function initWithDelegate to major classes.

All FTP operations will either call RequestCompleted for a positive response or RequestFailed if it is a negative response.


The following code assumes the following:

@interface myclass : NSObject <BRRequestDelegate>
    BRRequestCreateDirectory *createDir;
    BRRequestDelete * deleteDir;
    BRRequestListDirectory *listDir;

    BRRequestDownload *downloadFile;
    BRRequestUpload *uploadFile;
    BRRequestDelete *deleteFile;

Create Directory

- (IBAction) createDirectory:(id)sender
    createDir = [BRRequestCreateDirectory initWithDelegate: self];

    createDir.path = @"/home/test/yourdirectory/";

    createDir.hostname = @"";
    createDir.username = @"yourusername";
    createDir.password = @"yourpassword";

    //we start the request
    [createDir start];

Delete Directory

- (IBAction) deleteDirectory:(id)sender
    deleteDir = [BRRequestDelete initWithDelegate: self];

    deleteDir.path = @"/home/test/yourdirectory/";

    deleteDir.hostname = @"";
    deleteDir.username = @"yourusername";
    deleteDir.password = @"yourpassword";

    //we start the request
    [deleteDir start];

List Directory

- (IBAction) listDirectory:(id)sender
    listDir = [BRRequestListDirectory initWithDelegate: self];

    listDir.path = @"/home/test/yourdirectory/";

    listDir.hostname = @"";
    listDir.username = @"yourusername";
    listDir.password = @"yourpassword";

    [listDir start];

Download a File

- (IBAction) downloadFile :(id)sender
    downloadFile = [BRRequestDownload initWithDelegate: self];

    downloadFile.path = @"/home/test/yourfile";

    //for anonymous login just leave the username and password nil
    downloadFile.hostname = @"";
    downloadFile.username = @"yourusername";
    downloadFile.password = @"yourpassword";

    //we start the request
    [downloadFile start];

Upload a File

- (IBAction) uploadFile :(id)sender
    //----- get the file to upload as an NSData object
    NSString *applicationDocumentsDir = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0];
    NSString *filepath = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/%@", applicationDocumentsDir, @"image.jpg"];
    NSData *dataToUpload = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile: filepath];

    uploadFile = [BRRequestUpload initWithDelegate: self];

    uploadFile.sentData = dataToUpload;

    uploadFile.path = @"/home/test/yourfile";

    //for anonymous login just leave the username and password nil
    uploadFile.hostname = @"";
    uploadFile.username = @"yourusername";
    uploadFile.password = @"yourpassword";

    //we start the request
    [uploadFile start];

Delete a File

- (IBAction) deleteFile: (id) sender
    deleteFile = [BRRequestDelete initWithDelegate: self];

    deleteFile.path = @"/home/test/yourfile";

    //----- for anonymous login just leave the username and password nil
    deleteFile.hostname = @"";
    deleteFile.username = @"yourusername";
    deleteFile.password = @"yourpassword";

    //----- we start the request
    [deleteFile start];

Delegate callback to determine if something should be overwritten

-(BOOL) shouldOverwriteFileWithRequest: (BRRequest *) request
    //----- set this as appropriate if you want the file to be overwritten
    if (request == uploadFile)
        //----- if uploading a file, we set it to YES
        return YES;

    //----- anything else (directories, etc) we set to NO
    return NO;

Request Completed

-(void) requestCompleted: (BRRequest *) request
    //----- handle Create Directory
    if (request == createDir)
        NSLog(@"%@ completed!", request);

        createDir = nil;

    //----- handle Delete Directory
    if (request == deleteDir)
        NSLog(@"%@ completed!", request);

        deleteDir = nil;

    //----- handle List Directory
    if (request == listDir)
        //----- called after 'request' is completed successfully
        NSLog(@"%@ completed!", request);

        //----- we print each of the file names
        for (NSDictionary *file in listDir.filesInfo) 
            NSLog(@"%@", [file objectForKey: (id) kCFFTPResourceName]);

        logview.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@\n", logview.text];
        [logview scrollRangeToVisible: NSMakeRange([logview.text length] - 1, 1)];

        listDir = nil;

    //----- handle Download File
    if (request == downloadFile)
        //called after 'request' is completed successfully
        NSLog(@"%@ completed!", request);

        NSData *data = downloadFile.receivedData;

        //----- save the NSData as a file object
        NSError *error;
        NSString *applicationDocumentsDir = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0];
        NSString *filepath = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/%@", applicationDocumentsDir, @"image.jpg"];
        [data writeToFile: filepath options: NSDataWritingFileProtectionNone error: &error];

        downloadFile = nil;

    if (request == uploadFile)
        NSLog(@"%@ completed!", request);
        uploadFile = nil;

    if (request == deleteFile)
        NSLog(@"%@ completed!", request);
        deleteFile = nil;

Request Failed

-(void) requestFailed:(BRRequest *) request
    //----- handle Create Directory
    if (request == createDir)
        NSLog(@"%@", request.error.message);

        createDir = nil;

    //----- handle Delete Directory
    if (request == deleteDir)
        NSLog(@"%@", request.error.message);

        deleteDir = nil;

    //----- handle List Directory
    if (request == listDir)
        NSLog(@"%@", request.error.message);

        listDir = nil;

    //----- handle Download a File
    if (request == downloadFile)
        NSLog(@"%@", request.error.message);

        downloadFile = nil;

    //----- handle Upload a File
    if (request == uploadFile)
        NSLog(@"%@", request.error.message);

        uploadFile = nil;

    //----- handle Delete a File
    if (request == deleteFile)
        NSLog(@"%@", request.error.message);

        deleteFile = nil;